Complete codekvast.conf

# Mandatory parameters
# All of these parameters must be specified, or else codekvast-agent will refuse to start.

# What is the license key for authenticating to the Codekvast Server?
# A string obtained when signing up for Codekvast.
# Example:
# licenseKey = 1958370a-346f-11e9-83ce-08626630cd01
# licenseKey =

# What is my application's name?
# Identifies the application's data in the Codekvast server.
# Example:
# appName = MyAppName
# appName =

# Where are my application binaries?
# A comma-separated list of file system paths.
# Example:
# codeBase = build/install/myapp/libs
# codeBase =

# What packages shall be tracked?
# A comma-separated list of package prefixes.
# Example:
# packages = com.acme,
# packages =

# Connectivity parameters
# These parameters control how codekvast-agents connects to the server.
# Most of them are optional, with default values that suits for a development environment.

# Where is the Codekvast Server?
# A URL obtained when signing up for Codekvast.
# Example:
# serverUrl =
# Default value:
# serverUrl = http://localhost:8080

# How long shall codekvast-agent wait for establishing a connection to the server?
# A positive integer denoting a number of seconds.
# Default value:
# httpConnectTimeoutSeconds = 10

# How long shall codekvast-agent wait when reading a response from the server?
# A positive integer denoting a number of seconds.
# Default value:
# httpReadTimeoutSeconds = 10

# How long may a request to codekvastServer take at most?
# A positive integer denoting a number of seconds.
# Default value:
# httpWriteTimeoutSeconds = 30

# Do we need to call the Codekvast Server via an HTTP proxy such as Squid?
# The value is a hostname or an IP address
# Example:
# httpProxyHost =
# Default value:
# httpProxyHost =

# Which port at the httpProxyHost should we connect to?
# A socket port number. Is only used if httpProxyHost is non-empty
# Default value:
# httpProxyPort = 3128

# Does the proxy need basic authentication?
# A username. Is only used if httpProxyHost is non-empty
# Since: 1.0.0
# Default value:
# httpProxyUsername =

# Does the proxy need basic authentication?
# A password. Is only used if httpProxyHost and httpProxyUsername is non-empty
# Since: 1.0.0
# Default value:
# httpProxyPassword =

# Analysis parameters
# These parameters are optional, but you may want to set them to simplify analysis.

# What is my app's version?
# The value of this parameter is a strategy for obtaining the actual version from the running application.
# Strategies: filename, manifest, property, literal
# Example:
# appVersion = filename myApp-(.*).jar
# Default value:
# appVersion = literal unspecified

# In which environment is the application deployed?
# An arbitrary string, useful when analysing the collected data.
# Example:
# environment = prod
# Default value:
# environment = <default>

# In which host is the application deployed?
# An arbitrary string, useful when analysing the collected data.
# Example:
# host = prod-1
# Since: 1.0.0
# Default value: The value returned from
# hostname =

# Tuning parameters
# These parameters are optional, but you may want to specify them to tune codekvast-agent's behaviour.

# What packages shall be *not* be tracked?
# A comma-separated list of strings.
# Example:
# excludePackages = com.acme.timecritical,
# Default value: An empty list.
# excludePackages =

# Which methods should be tracked?
# Can be used for tuning how much of your code base that should be instrumented.
# One of the keywords public, protected, package-private or private.
# Default value:
# methodVisibility = protected

# Trouble shooting parameters
# These parameters are optional, but you may want to use them for trouble shooting.

# Should codekvast-agent be enabled?
# If codekvast-agent is disabled, the AspectJ Weaver is not engaged and no attempt to contact the Codekvast server is made.
# Example:
# enabled = true
# Since: 1.0.0
# Default value:
# enabled = true

# aspectjOptions
# Should Codekvast Agent configure logging for AspectJ Weaver?
# A string.
# Example:
# aspectjOptions = -verbose -showWeaveInfo
# Default value:
# aspectjOptions =

# bridgeAspectjMessagesToJUL
# Should AspectJ Weaver be configured to send AspectJ messages to `java.util.logging` (JUL)?
# true or false.
# Default value:
# bridgeAspectjMessagesToJUL = false

Updated 21 February 2019