Architecture diagram

Architecture Diagram
| Host_1                                                        |
|                                                               |
|   +--------------------------------+                          |
|   | JVM 1                          |                          |
|   | +---------------------+        |                          |
|   | | Your app            |        |                          |
|   | | cGRE                |        |       +----------------+ |
|   | +---------------------+        |       | codekvast.conf | |
|   |   ^              |             |       |                | |
|   |   |<-=- weaves   |<-=- invokes |   /-->| cYEL           | |
|   | +--------------+ |             |   |   | {d}            | |
|   | | aspectjweaver| |             |   |   +----------------+ |                       Legend:
|   | | c999         | |             |   |                      |
|   | +--------------+ |             |   |                      |                +----------------------+
|   |   ^              |             |   |<-=- reads            |                |Your application cGRE |
|   |   |<-=-embeds    v             |   |                      |                +----------------------+
|   | +---------------------+        |   |                      |
|   | | Codekvast agent     +------------/   /----------------\ |                +----------------------+
|   | | cYEL                +--------------->|app binaries    | |                |Part of Codekvast cYEL|
|   | +----+------+---------+        |   ^   |cGRE            | |                +----------------------+
|   |      |      |                  |   |   \----------------/ |
|   |      |      \--------------\   |   |                      |                +----------------------+
|   +------|---------------------|---+   \-=- makes inventory of|                |Part of AspectJ c999  |
|          |                     |            the code base     |                +----------------------+
|          | <-=--produces----=->|                              |
|          |                     |                              |
|          v                     v                              |
|      +------------------+    +------------------+             |
|      | Code base        |    | Invocation data  |             |
|      | publications     |    | publications     |             |
|      |                  |    |                  |             |
|      | {d}              |    | {d}              |             |
|      +------------------+    +------------------+             |
|              |                         |                      |
               |                         |
               |<-=--- HTTP POST -----=->|
               |                         |
               \-----\                   |
                     |                   |
                     v                   v
           | Codekvast Server                       |
           |                          /----------\  |
           | o Publication import     | MariaDB  |  |
           | o Persistence layer <--->| database |  |
           | o Web interface          |          |  |
           |                          |          |  |
           |                          \----------/  |
           | cYEL                                   |
                    |<-=-- HTTP
               | Web           |
               | browser       |

Updated 19 February 2019